We offer no cost evaluations at over 100 clinic locations nationwide. It's fast, convenient, and comes at no cost to you.
Discover the 5 simple steps every parent should know to assess for signs of flat head syndrome. Don't wait--early detection is key! Click below to learn more or schedule a no-cost evaluation.
We're proud to offer 100+ clinics nationwide so that any of our families can access treatment, and always feel close to home.
No two cases of flat head syndrome are alike. That's why each DOC Band we make is custom-designed to your baby's unique head shape, promoting optimal treatment time and outcomes.
It's estimated that nearly 1 in 2 babies have some degree of plagiocephaly. The good news, it's treatable.
Learn more about our history dedicating decades of research and development into providing the leading solution for plagiocephaly treatment.
Often times the best support system is from those going through the same experiences. Our online DOC Band® parent community is a great resource for advice from parents who are going, or have gone through the treatment process with their little ones.
Choose from six adorable themes! These stickers are doctor-approved for safe wear with no prolonged out-of-helmet time required. Peel, stick, and decorate in under 15 minutes!
A simple, safe, and effective treatment process
During your no cost evaluation, our highly-trained clinicians will assess your baby's head shape and provide families with a recommendation regarding treatment.
If you decide to move forward with treatment, we'll use Digital Surface Imaging®to capture a precise image of your baby's head. This helps create a custom band for optimal correction.
1-2 weeks after the imaging appointment, your baby’s DOC Band will be ready for fitting! We’ll carefully check the fit, and if needed, further customize the band at the appointment.
Is DOC Band® treatment covered by insurance? All of your questions answered here.
Learn more about the DOC Band® and how its design helps to reshape your baby's head.
What to expect during the no cost head shape evaluation.