Cranial Technologies


Early Detection

Flat spots are common, check early and often.

How early intervention helps

Reduces time to treat

Flat spots can improve with treatment in as little as one week when caught early.

Improves outcomes

Treatment is more effective when done during a period of rapid head growth (4-6 months of age).

Helps prevention

Preventative measures are much more effective when started at an early age.

Ways to detect, prevent, and treat flat spots in infants

Know what to look for and contributing risk factors

Baby wearing a helmet smiling in a stroller

Know what to look for and contributing risk factors

Flat spots can be caused by many different things — the important thing is that you're doing something about it.

About Plagiocephaly

Getting a clinical head shape consultation

baby receiving a head shape assessment at a cranial technologies clinic

Getting a clinical head shape consultation

We offer free head shape consultations so you know the best course of treatment for your little one. You can schedule at over 100 clinic locations nationwide.

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5 ways check your baby's head shape at home

At home head shape assessment

5 ways check your baby's head shape at home

At a very young age, your baby's head is very soft and flat spots can form in as little as one week. Use these tips to know what to look for and add head shape checks into your weekly routine with your little one.

At Home Assessment

Tips to prevent flat spots and treat mild cases

Baby smiling while lying on his stomach

Tips to prevent flat spots and treat mild cases

Outside of natural causes, flat spots usually occur because a baby spends long periods of time on their backs. Techniques like head repositioning and tummy time are great tools to help treat mild flat spots or preventing them altogether.

Ways to Prevent Flat Spots

Treatment protocol must be individualized and based on age and severity for each child. A child with a more severe asymmetry must be considered earlier for helmet therapy than someone with more moderate misshaping.”

— Frank Vicari, MD, FACS, FAAP


Will my baby’s head “round out” on its own?

While repositioning can sometimes correct mild flatness in babies up to four months old, research has shown that moderate to severe plagiocephaly is not likely to self-correct.

Isn’t plagiocephaly just cosmetic?

No. While most parents have appearance-related concerns, that’s not the main reason to consider treatment. Many doctors now recognize skull abnormalities associated with moderate or severe plagiocephaly can have important functional implications for your baby, both now and later in life.

Does plagiocephaly affect my baby's brain development?

Plagiocephaly is not known to have any lasting harmful effects on your baby’s neurological development. However, if left untreated it is possible the head will remain misshapen into adulthood.

Is plagiocephaly preventable?

Simple at-home practices including supervised tummy time and repositioning techniques are known to prevent and improve abnormal head shapes up until about four months of age. Additionally, limiting the use of convenience devices, such as car seats, infant carriers and swings, is also recommended.

How do I know if my baby needs helmet therapy?

No two cases of plagiocephaly are alike and it's always best to consult a trained professional.

We're proud to offer head shape evaluations at no cost to you and zero commitment required. To get started, you can schedule online.